TF10121: The path '' is not found or not supported. Type or select a different path (VS.NET)

Error: TF10121: The path ” is not found or not supported. Type or select a different path
Platform: Windows Server 2003
Task: Removing a project from one solution and adding it to another.
Solution: The problem is that a stale reference to the old project is still stored and when we add the
project, it gets back an empty string when we try to get its old directory path.

To workaround, close the original solution and new solution. Re-open the new solution and re-add
the project. It should now add properly.

Still doesn’t add properly? Try removing all Source Safe Bindings:
1. Open project file (csproj) and delete the lines similar to:


2. Delete source safe files (i.e. *.vspscc)

About stackemedia
I am a web developer and designer.

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